
Half way up the stairs!

Been more or less offline for a couple of days now. Monday I was preparing for Tuesday's club meeting. Tuesday, you guessed it, was the club meeting. I set up and ran a Share and Learn session for the club members with groups doing some skills and understanding of editing packages from Elements, through Lightroom and on to more advanced work in Photoshop. It was frenetic to set up, but, thankfully, a couple of club members stepped up to lead two of the sessions while I did the third.

It's always hard work, but very satisfying when people come up afterwards and say how much they enjoyed it and can we do it again soon.

I hope I sent a couple of newbies away all energised with a few basic tips on layers and levels in Elements. The start of a long and never ending journey in the quest for improved photographs. I did however, get home drained.

Yesterday I felt tired all day which I thought was a hangover from Tuesday, but, it was increasing joined with painful joints and muscles, headache and high temperature. By 8pm I was ready for bed and leading to a day off today. This comprised much more bed and a listen to some music - a rare treat despite feeling yuk.

Thankfully, some normality has returned later in the day.

This was grabbed while Tilly was doing her normal stag duty.
We have a window on the half landing that looks out into the lounge and outside to the road. She spends hours here watching and waiting - waiting for passers-by so she can bark, waiting for dogs being walked by so she can go ballistic, waiting for the poor postman so that she can launch down the stairs hardly touching a step and then hurtling into the front door at a stupidly high rate of knots. All Half way up the stairs!

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