
By nummelin

Human Waste

This entry was going to be about the building you see in the picture. Mainly because it is the center of the suburb I live in, and this suburb was in the news today so I thought this could do. Instead of the building, this entry is now about those little turds you see in the middle of the picture.

Why? Because these little 13 to 16-year-old gangstas came to me like they own the place, tried to chew me out for taking "their picture" (apparently these primitive primates fear the camera will capture their souls or something) and threatened there would be "consequences" if I don't delete the files or if I dare to publish them. Pathetic excuses of human beings.

Bring it on. I haven't been scared of worthless white trash before and I sure as hell won't change my habits for these clowns. Scum like them isn't even worth a fart in their general direction.

And why was this place in the news? Ironically because the youth here is "restless". "Restless" meaning that they've been smashing windows in and vandalizing places.

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