Dramatic Sky

Looking out of the car window I saw this most amazing sky. It looked like it didn't know what to do. There is a touch of everything. Actually it was a very nice day today. No rain. I even wore my sunglasses while I was driving. Good job I had my camera in my bag or I would have missed it....and I did pull over to take this. I was actually at the top of my road looking across the fields.

I had a quick trip into town mainly to sort money out. I also had my eyebrows threaded. Ouch! I don't usually do anything with my eyebrows as I'm quite lucky in that department, but I saw an empty chair and just thought...why not...so I did. I think they are quite nice now.

Most of my day and for the foreseeable future I have been washing and ironing. My youngest son goes back to Montana on Sunday, my husband is off to Switzerland on Wednesday, my eldest is off to Jamaica on Friday and the middle son decided to clear his bedroom out....probably because he had no clothes left. I'm snowed under with it all. I'll be glad when they are all out of the way and I can have a rest. Ironing is not my favourite pastime that's for sure.

Tonight it's back to the boxercise class. I do ache from yesterday's activities but it's a good ache. I also got on the scales this morning and I'm liking what I see, so it's all worthwhile.

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