Nature Watcher

By NatureWatcher

Pet Food

I have a little mouse living in the shed. I discovered it's presence when I found a new bag of bird nuts with a hole in and nuts spilling out. I had thought that the fatballs in crumbs were just a bad batch but evidence was mounting. I spotted it racing from one side of the shed to the other and it has become obvious that it lives somewhere behind the bean sticks in the corner.

I'm very fond of it though it keeps itself to itself. I feed it on bird seed, fruit or other bits and pieces which always disappear by the morning. I had a very over-ripe pear which I put by it's home. I knew that it wouldn't be able to eat the whole thing but was interested to see how much it would take. The photo is a night's nibbling.

I do hope that one of the neighbourhood cats don't catch my little friend!

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