What a lovely day:-

By BKeeper

To Attend a Lecture.

I am a life member of Manx National Heritage and which is analogous to the National Trust.

They run a series of lectures but, up until today, I regret to say, I have never had an inclination to attend.

I have had an interest in the English Civil War (now more properly called the Great Civil War) for some years. The title of the lecture was "Fortress Mann" 1644-1651. This caught my attention.

The lecturer, seen here at the break up of the meeting, gave a talk about the military preparations that took place in this period, made by the 7th Earl of Derby for the Royalists.

He described a number of forts that had been constructed. One of the forts is near my house, and indeed I walk around it quite often by following this sign

However I was completely ignorant about some of the other forts (called "sconces") because these have only recently been revealed by magnetic/radar survey.

He then went on to describe the military significance of these fixed points by reference to the ground conditions that pertained at the time.

I found it fascinating and you know where my next walk will be....

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