A new visitor.

Large if you'd like.

We have several nuthatches in the area, but it's been a while since I've seen one and they're rarely near the house. Spotting this one so close worked out nicely for me, as it was still super cold and I didn't want to venture too far for a blip. Popping outside and working the perimeter of the house was just the right amount of cold for today. Much to my disappointment, he flew off as I rounded the corner. But he came back once I stopped moving. After that he didn't seem bothered by my presence and moved up and down each tree near me pecking away at the bark for nutrients. I got my shot and retreated back inside to the warmth.

The dog walk, after dark, was a whole other story... burrrrrrrrrrrr! We moved FAST and uttered all kinds of curses comments about waiting too late in the day for a walk. (Why the dogs still wanted to go in this weather was beyond me, but they did. I heard lots of complaining for making them wait so long~ goofy dogs.

We shouldn't have that problem in the coming days. They say the temperature is due to rise tomorrow... we are expecting a whipping 20 (F) degrees... break out the shorts baby! :))

Thanks for the great response to yesterday's bluejay in the wind! I really appreciate all the lovely comments, hearts and stars. :) Today was far less windy, so hopefully the birds had an easier time of it.

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