Tutto bene

By Blackdrake


The Sun (yes...we had SUN!) was reflecting off this little cute Moomin candle thingy today, it was bouncing little dots of light all around the room like a glitter ball. The kittens were obviously fascinated by this...it was very hard to crop Alfie out of the photo as he had that fantastic face on that cats get when they are stalking...all concentration and curiousness.
The Moomins were actually quite scary sometimes, bit after my time but some friends have mentioned the Groak was the stuff of nightmares!
Tree...since you asked...lights off but still up...well most of it apart from the millions of needles which have dropped off to form a new spiky carpet
Watched Star Gazing, of course we'll have too much cloud to see Aurora should it appear.
Off to be the tooth fairy now..where's my wings?

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