All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Christmas Books

Like most families, I guess, we 're getting back to our usual routine this week. Swimming lesson for Ethan this morning. Had a good blether with one of the dads whom we bizarrely realised about a month ago , used to live in the same street as me when we were 8 and we even sent Valentines Day cards to each other back then too. Very funny and such a small world!

Nursery for Ethan this afternoon after which, he was clearly worn out, as we had a few melt downs from him this evening. Also having a few bedtime issues with him this week and he has been getting upset during the night again too and wanting to sleep with us in our bed. Ho him - hopefully it will sort itself out again soon. He is enjoying stories at the moment though and often sits with his books before going to sleep. This pile here are some of his current favourites.

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