wait just one more shot

By Susanbmathew

Did you see my pencil?

I have no depth perception. I think I have mentioned this before.
At times this has made for either a really funny situation or an Oh dammit moment of alarming proportions.

Today we went to the Audubon place in Falmouth.
See link below.
I was looking for a cool thing to shoot.
My husband said "what about the crow?"
I said"what cr....holy crap what is that?"

at first I thought oh shoot a 70s flashback. Then I realized I don't have 70s flashbacks. Now the 80s.......
You see to me this is a pencil sketch come to life.
It has no dimension just flat lines.
It is a bit creepy and kind of a scary thing to me.
So hey, I blipped it.


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