rhiannon's journal

By rhiannon

wooaahh get me...

…and my fascinating evening of filling out forms, doing some washing and aiming to be in bed by 8:30! there is just no stopping this rock n roll chaos i like to call my life!!
today i went back to work after what felt like a week in bed…it was a little harder than i thought it would be! eek! at least it was a gorgeous day out and the task wasn't too demanding and was broken up with lots of chat. it felt really nice to be back all the same - can't remember the last time i thought that about a job!
i was meant to be looking into potential placements for next year, and really want to find somewhere that inspires me…i have however found my new perfect wedding venue…house for an art lover of course! have to get back there sharpish…maybe i can go there on my road trip to check out placement properties? hmm! right…off to look at love spoons! mustbebetterforthewkndmustbebetterforthewkndmustbebetterfortheweekend...

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