'Pleasure' - carrying off her prize at speed!

Don't you just love her hunched attitude and determination? Much better enlarged.
A day of waiting and watching people waiting and watching. First I had my mouth stitches taken out (for free as the dentist was a friend of my friend!) - and then strayed in the grounds of the large Maharanah Bhopal Hospital where patients and their families were milling about waiting for appointments, treatments, x-rays or whatever.
After that I found a small, 400 year old, hidden gem called Narbdeshver Mahadev Temple and met Ujjwal one of two sons of the family who live beside it and tend it. I took photos of some of the delightful sculptures round its sides and Ujjwal explained a bit about them. He is at uni studying Mechanical Engineering. His father, who came from a very poor family but who studied hard, is now an A&E nurse in the hospital. They had two cows hidden in a shed beside the entrance and cow pats were drying on the roof of their home for use as cooking fuel. It is close to the Delhi Gate that used to be part of the walled entrance into the City but now seems to be isolated by roads all round it. There the Bapu Bazaar starts and more people were watching and waiting for customers for their vegetable stalls and shops.
Failed to meet up with my friend last night so he came tonight and we had a delightful solar illuminated walk beside the largest of the lakes and then had a delicious dinner with his wife and two daughters who both speak beautiful English.

for those that want more...

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