The Guernsey Dairy

I heard on the Radio that the Guernsey Dairy were promoting School attendance, since I wanted to include the Guernsey Dairy in my 12 weeks in Guernsey, I knew that this had to be my blip today, not terribly photogenic, but brownie points surely for the work involved ;0) Guernsey milk is meant to be extremely good for you, we like it. The Island are very fierce to keep out other milk, because Guernsey milk is expensive to produce on such a small scale, and I think there are subsidies, for the farmers and consumers. We pay £1.11 a litre but if they allowed other milk into the Island then Guernsey milk would not make ends meet and the price would become unviable. Although pound world are sneaking in English milk. We have lost our main bakers, because of cheap imported bread, and so now when it is bad weather, we end up bread less, except for people like me who make our own! Try looking Large to see the advertising on the milk carton! So save our milk!!
I will catch up with comments this evening!

As you will probably have been notified, I have changed my title to 12 weeks in Guernsey. I am going to try to show you glimpses of the 10 Parishes of the beautiful Island of Guernsey where I live, not just its beauty but, how it is for us on a small Island. The last few days we've had difficulty getting our daily bread in which comes by boat, lots of travel has been delayed or even cancelled and many roads have been closed after the high tides and high winds for clearing up to be done. I hope you enjoy this 12 weeks of Guernsey ;0)

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