Dressing Windows and Dolls

So much gets done on the domestic front when home alone while His Lordship is otherwise engaged, ploughing his way through bracken and glaur near Coulter, happy as a pig in shit, I imagine.

With a mini half family party in the offing on Sunday ( I don't think we've all been managed to be together since our wedding 16 years ago), there is a bit of baking to be done and today the scones were the first in line as they can be frozen.
Add to that food shopping, house cleaning, blipping, and the morning has vanished.

Before my afternoon rendezvous with my 'new best friend' as his HL calls her, I am entertaining myself knitting a hooded jacket for Mrs Rabbit who belongs to my Elgin granddaughter, Anna.

It takes me back at least 30 years when outfits were sewn and knitted for dolls and action men alike. Some of these still exist and are being worn by a new generation of dolls and soft toys.
This mini jacket would have been quicker and easier to execute had I possessed a pattern and had I not had to accommodate rabbit ears.

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