The past
must have bought this to brush up on driving in England when I was back there 1989 - 1992
I was looking for other books when I came across this. Reminded me of time past, over forty years ago, when I asked a friend to quiz me on the highway code in preparation for my test. He says, " What's number 124?". I was stumped.
I passed on my third attempt. Mr. Morris, my instructor, thought I'd failed to pass again when I returned with the chief examiner of the Colchester center after 45 minutes of driving . . . that was June 1972. The state tests I've taken since (California and Montana) were fifteen to twenty minutes of driving at no more than twenty-five mph which I could not take seriously especially after I made a U turn when the California examiner asked me to show her how to make a three point turn on a street which was way too wide to make it necessary to make one in my Honda Civic.
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