Water Play

I woke up early this morning and debated whether to go for a swim. As I fed Pelly the power went off and I was plunged into darkness. I decided it was a sign that I should swim....and of course use the hairdryers at the Marriott. Half the Green was on and off was in darkness, but thankfully the Marriott was on. I had a swim then got out to have a shower...the water was freezing!!! The hotel had blinked off and on and the power switch for the hot water had tripped. I had to get dressed, walk home and then have a shower!

I bumped into Anne at the Post Office whilst I was sending Carol's present off, she came back for a cuppa and a catch up. I didn't really do much else for the rest of the day, the weather was cold and miserable so I stayed in. I've just had a play dropping food colouring into water. I'm half concentrating on the photo and half on Stargazing Live so the results are not good, but I've had enough tonight so this is going to have to do.

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