
By artoo


The last couple of days have been all about the washing. My son, who has recently completed toilet training, started asking to wear pants overnight instead of pull-ups. This confused me, as my daughter wore pull-ups overnight for a year after she stopped wearing during the day, so I was expecting similar this time around. However, when my son assured me that he was getting up in the night for a wee and then going back to bed again, and with a few weeks dry pull-ups behind him, we agreed to try pants overnight. We had a few successful days, but the last two nights he has had accidents, meaning that I have had to get up in the middle of the night to change him and his bedding. This morning he managed to get his duvet and blankie as well as himself and the sheet. We've agreed to give it one more go tonight, but if it happens again we'll be back in pull-ups for a bit longer.


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