Rocko's Home!
Just before six this evening Rocko's owners collected him from a Police Station in Livingstone after he was found wandering around a school playground. I will not dwell on how the silly little bugger found himself there or how he crossed the M8 motorway, he is home, a little thinner than before and in need of a bath but basically as happy as a beagle who has been running free and rolling in fox poo can be. Given that I burst into tears when Linda phoned to let me know, I dread to think what state his owner Sue is in or how she possibly survived the drive to collect him, not daring to believe that it could be him. So glad that he is home safely. I have been utterly amazed by the dedication and selflessness of so many people who have trudged for miles through the most unbelievable weather to try and find him only for him to hand himself into the Police. While everyone has been fantastic and many dog owners have gone above and beyond the call of duty, the beagle owners have been unbelievable, possibly because we know how easily they can disappear but I think it's that dogs and their owners being similar thing - the friendliest, most loving, selfless bunch even if they are prone to daftness and a certain amount of stubbornness.
Other thing did happen today, Coco and I went for a walk along the canal in the direction Rocko was last seen and found these allotments - note to self, must go back in the summer and see how they look, the catch on Coco's new collar, which she was given as a Christmas gift snapped when we were miles from the car, could have been a disaster but since I was looking for a missing beagle I had a slip lead in my pocket - I may start to carry it all the time.
All in all a good day with some dogs and humans sleeping a whole lot better than they have this year!
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