Fields Via Train

Bill Frisell - The Pioneers

On my way to my friends house for her birthday. A nabe (hot pot) party with good people. Fun times.

I draw a close to my holidays with this event, having watched may movies. This is the time to be with what I love most. Movies and art (although a lot of the movies I watched were wonderful trash).

- The Last Stand (3/5, lots of fun, love Arnold)
- Taken 2 (3/5, more fun and complete utter rubbish. This is to Liam Neeson what Death Wish was to Charles Bronson)
- Aruitemo, Aruitemo (Still Walking) (4/5, slow burning Japanese family drama about a family getting over the passing of a son. Very beautiful and well acted.)
- Man of Steel (4.5/5, I surprisingly loved it so much! I hated Suckerpunch like there was no tomorrow, but I suppose due to David S Goyer and Christopher Nolan, this was awesome. Loved it, plenty of action, but great characterization too)
- Django (2/5, wonderful Spaghetti Western trash with a massive body count. Fun)
- Django Unchained (5/5, I'm a huge Quentin Tarantino fan and I watch his films over and over again with relish. Aside from the violence, the script and passing are just arresting. LOVE THIS FILM!)
- Argo (4.5/5, Extremely compelling, great set design, costume and atmosphere. Very nail biting. I think Ben Affleck is an extremely talented director and I hope he continues to make films of this caliber. I didn't particularly like The Town but it was well made, Gone Baby Gone is an American masterpiece as far as I'm concerened).

I've got a few more films to go, but this in some ways is a way of relieving the pain for a while and just doing what I love most. After a while, I'll have to move on.

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