Didn't see a soul today, apart from Carl, and since I blipped him yesterday I thought I'd dash over the road and see what I could find.

My neighbour has great difficulty parting with his many cars, based, I think, on the notion that you'll just never know when you might need a part or two.
I just made that up.
I have no idea why he can't part with them.
I do know he's an old softie, so it's probably sentimental.

Anyway, I've been told that many would kill for this old Ford, as it's a ute, and quite rare.
Hard to tell, I know, as there are tree ferns growing out of it.

As part of Cathaber's challenge I've linked to this.
Unless you're a car nut I doubt you'd find it interesting:)

Hey, Doli, don't forget to watch Roger on the telly tonight.
SBS 8.30.

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