Why am I...

...not able to identify this bird? Is it the snowy beak? The fact that it is just sitting in the snow? Or is it because I was shooting down at him through a (dirty) kitchen window? Maybe my brain is just frozen because of the unaccustomed frigid weather. Currently the real temperature is -8 degrees Fahrenheit with a feels like temperature of -30 degrees. That's MINUS, folks, and it's way too cold. We haven't had temperatures like this for at least 20 years or longer. We are expecting lows tonight between -10 and -20 degrees with wind chill readinngs to -40 degrees! Global warming, anyone?

Two people who come to the regular Wednesday night dinners at our church are HOMELESS. One sleeping in her truck and the other told us last week he was sleeping in a construction site. At least it has four walls, he said. I'm glad we can provide them with a hot meal every Wednesday night, but that's not enough. It's definitely not enough.

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