
By Ashleighof9

Back to the 'normal' routine

So Xmas and New Year are over and it's back to the old routine today. It's great to have a break from the routine, but I find myself craving for it after only a short while.

As I tackled the diabolical pile of 'things that need urgently done' on my desk I reflected for a moment on what it must feel like to never know the comfort of the return to a positive routine. What would it be like to never know the joy of a break from the 'norm'? To get back into it and go through all those lovely rituals like making coffee and small chat in the office kitchen, wishing all the familiar faces a happy new year and asking how the break was for them, sharing all the unwanted chocolate and biscuit presents, preparing for the challenges and achievements ahead. What if everyday consisted of watching movies on the sofa, long lies in bed and late nights watching crap TV, eating rubbish food, drinking too much, doing lunch everyday?

I for one am glad to have had a bit of a break, but I'm equally grateful to have something to return to where I feel useful and purposeful

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