Just the Withers......

By JaneW

It was going to be a Lucy jumping ...

But look ... How can you jump when a 12 week old puppy with cataracts is trying to get you to pick him up ?? I had loads of jumping shots but you know what I can get my Lucy to jump anytime and this photo is so lovely ... I am ever so glad I puppy sit little Jerry ... He's ever so good no accidents in the house today again !!! Clever little sausage .(for new readers ,I baby sit Jerry who is about 95% blind with cataracts .. He can be operated on when he is roughly 6 months old .. My dear pal Tits McGee adopted him from an animal rescue shelter I look after him when she is at work) ...
Back to me .... I have worked my fingers to the bone today doing 'the big clean ' and have only taken to my bed twice !!!!
Also I did a run this evening and then ... Had to take to my bed ........ I am such a delicate creature you know .... Delicate ... And a tiny bit sweary .... And maybe a little bit argumentative .. But delicate non the less .....
Rubbish ... I am just bloody lazy x

(ps that is my little JRT Buffy in the shot also)

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