Clean Slate

By cleanslate

Happy Birthday! 5 today :-)

This is no.2 son opening his present from his brother. Huge mister maker craft drum. He was suitably impressed and no.1 son was deliciously pleased with himself. He was desperate to open all of his little brother's presents though. Surely by nearly 7 he should be able to muster a modicum of restraint in these matters?? Apparently not.

Back to school today too, so a bit of a hectic morning. Waking up with grandparents in the house added a certain aura of bonkers too! Plus the obvious champagne, red wine, curry head for me :-/

Managed to get them into school with minimal drama though, no.2 son coping admirably with all the upheaval. No.1 son just a monkey.

Back to work too :-( Forgot passwords, queued to speak to help desk because so many other idiots had done the same thing :-( I'm sure I used to be a functioning human being. Didn't I??

Walked the boys home from school, always tires us all out and involves at least one wee behind a tree (not for me!)

Birthday FaceTime with bits of family time and made some jelly baby jellies with the moulds from my Dad at Christmas. Fabulous :-)

And now relax!

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