
By seathreepeeo


"It is better to light a candle than curse the darkness." ~ Eleanor Roosevelt.

Not the greatest of days.

During the early hours of the 8th December 2013, the husband was rushed to hospital via ambulance, suffering from severe abdominal pains.

Sadly this was not the results of my continued efforts to poison him and collect the insurance premium, but renal colic due to kidney stones. Three nights in hospital and a promise of medical intervention later, the husband left hospital.

That brings us to today. So far the husband has been signed off from work for four weeks due to the pain. Another doctor appointment has seen him signed off for a further four weeks and a rather blunt letter from his doctor to his employer stressing that this is a serious case that causes SEVERE pain which is completely incapacitating.

The employer is having difficulty grasping that my husband is unable to work I cannot return until the stones are removed. There is a real danger that this could damage his kidney beyond repair. The husband wants to be back at work. I want him to be back at work, but we get the impression they feel that this is some kind of elaborate sicky.

We have since been told the waiting list he is currently languishing on is 18 weeks.

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