Water everywhere

Pouring rain when I left Argyllshire this morning. Got to Glasgow
Yet more water. Had to empty out the sideboards which are being uplifted tomorrow
As they are considered (no they weren't full of water)

Not cool by the younger generation! When I see the price tacky trendy kitch shops are charging for Gplan stuff, it would make you weep!
Yet more water when I was going through stuff I should have done over four years back as I found still more bottles of Holy water. Thinking my mother must have thought there might be a Holy water drought! Anyhow off they go tomorrow. I went out to look for replacement bedroom furniture and couldn't find anything decent or reasonable. Does anyone know of any other shops besides Forrest's and the big blue shed.

I'm trying to type on this stupid iPad thingy but not getting the hang of it plus it's rubbish at taking pictures!
Normal service should resume tomorow. Picture such as it is is of kelvingrove

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