Looking down the Walk

Another day of working at home, although doing very different tasks from the last couple of days. They say that a change is as good as a rest.

I went up to the top of the Walk for a few messages - the weather was wet, windy and warm. There's a title from a tune in there somewhere - Doc Watson, maybe. I was heading back down to Leith when I noticed a fragment of a rainbow in the sky, very fuzzy and faint. The spire belongs to Pilrig church and that's Fife in the distance. Goodness, there's the grain elevator - I only just spotted its looming presence.

Edit: I just changed the original shot for one that I had taken from a little further up the street a few moments earlier, when the rainbow had only just appeared. As soon as I'd put up the earlier one, Miss R Able posted her blip from a beach in Senegal and I wanted to join in the giraffe theme!

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