Back to it!

A lift in today with Giles, carrying boxes of marking, coursework and a Christmas tree stand.

A busy day. Year 8, Year 10, Year 11, Year 11 and preparation for a department meeting tomorrow.

All wrapped around an odd school lunch of jacket potato and sticky chicken bits in a bun with a side order of baked beans, all served with a straight face.

Now I've got to run home and then some so, because I can hear the wind outside and the odd spot of rain, I am wasting time.

The first step is the hardest and all that so I'm off.

Good to be back I imagine and good to see the students. Just got to work on the occasional mismatch between my expectations and their level of commitment.

Being asked to lend a pen on Day 1 never really impresses me, I have to say. Hearing about the vast amount of Christmas gifts some pupils receive is also somewhat depressing.

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