
By antipodean

Where to next?

Oh my gosh I almost forgot to take a photo today. Oops!

Back to work again today. It was my first shift after New Years and my first shift working alone, as per the new system. To my surprise it was crazy busy and I was run off my feet - on the one hand I'm glad I didn't spend the day bored, but on the other hand I was so busy that I really could have used another person helping. Oh the irony...

Anyway, suffice to say I was pretty exhausted when I got home. I had a nice evening on the sofa watching The Queen for the third or fourth time - such a great movie!

I remembered when I was already in bed that I hadn't taken a photo, so I took this one of my map. I've got quite a few pins in it but mostly in Europe - in the next few years I want to expand my horizons a bit and travel outside of Europe. My list so far is New Zealand, Japan and Canada - hopefully in that order!

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