
By Fruitcakedreams

1 day left of freedom

I remember the long winter days off from school when I was young. So much undone.. without any worries. Technology was insignificant and books were boring. My face would stay cold from pressing it on a window..wishing I was laughing with friends. Wishing for something good to come on TV. Or just wishing I could think of a game for my brother and I to play that wasn't UNO or Go Fish.

Today there is Facetime. The internet....and the internet. Though I am happy to see Zoe on chapter 140 somthing of her digital copy of a book. And Ivy still wanting to climb our tree with her cousin Lily...even in this cold!

It's back to school on Tuesday. I have enjoyed this holiday...And no cold noses were required to come up with a new game to play:)

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