Burnt Offering
That's my dinner. I was innocently photographing some baking I'd done today for a very dull but tasty composite blip when I suddenly felt a blast of heat on my left ear. I turned to see this. Hence the hasty and slightly rubbish shot. (And yes, that wooden spoon on the left did catch fire too.)
Actually dinner was very tasty. And not burnt at all. (Drambuie seared venison steaks on a bed of Drambuie seared butternut squash, served with maple syrup roast parsnips and steamed purple sprouting broccoli with balsamic vinegar. He spoils me that man.)
Pudding is wonderful blue cheese, oatcakes and a glass of red to wash it down, which I will be rushing back to very soon.
Returning to earlier themes, long list of baking today for various causes:
- sister's birthday (fudge)
- friend having Conor for a playdate this morning (fudge)
- fabulously knowledgeable winners of blip music quiz (fudge)
- Girl Guides' coffee morning (fudge, Rocky Road, shortbread, gingerbread)
- my greedy tummy (all of the above)
Not sure I've every used so much sugar in one day. I should be sponsored by the local dentists.
This will only make sense to UK blippers who like teary crime dramas. The BBC have had a five part series every night this week (wife murders husband, was it provoked?, will she get to keep her baby? What about her 13 yr old daughter who witnessed it?) Traumatic, convincingly acted, an amazing show (I thought). Mr B, who would normally run a mile from this kind of thing, described the first hour (on Monday) as "the longest hour of my life"*. I think he appreciated it more as the pace picked up. But it was possibly the first time that he was the one asking "so who's that?" "why did she say that?" whereas normally it's me saying "is he a baddy?" "why did he just kill his brother?" and such like.
He will make me pay for making him sit through it though. It will be history/culture documentaries for the next month until the images of what goes on in women's prisons fade from his memory!
* I have been requested to add a clarification. He didn't mean that in a bad way. I would explain why, but he got engrossed in a history/culture documentary and we didn't have time to go into it.
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