Chick Flick

By Flick

Strobist Thingy Wotsit

Internet slow, causing blipfoto to be slow ...
TV won't turn over ...
Internet crashed this afternoon

flash attachment thingy is outwitting me but for a few seconds well one second to be precise I manage to get a) Ed to come down the stairs and b) get the strobist thingy working ,deep abiding joy
When I truely get to grips with it expect Ed playing tennis, Ed dancing a jig, Ed shouting 'Stop It!' ,Ed packing suitcase, Ed waving goodbye ...

Emily sent a text (phone was working)
Yo mum. Got the CD today.It's fucking genius!
(such a well bought up young lady)

AW! clever Ma and Pa (and a bit of Ed with some music sync)

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