Glory is fleeting

By mskitty

A good book, but...........

I've been listening to books on Audible over the last 6 months or so, and really like it - it's brilliant if you're doing boring chores that don't require much attention. - for example it was great for whiling away hours and hours of fence-painting during the summer.

Anyhoo - today I finished listening to 'The Lewis Man' while taking down all the Christmas decorations. And was very relieved to finally finish it.
It was a perfectly OK thriller with lots to recommend it what with it being set in Lewis and Edinburgh, but I have to admit I found it uncomfortable listening at times.
That's because one of the main characters (who sometimes narrates) has dementia, and you hear his thoughts as he flits between an awareness of his surroundings and at other times having no idea where or WHEN he is - or who the people around him are.
And it just so reminded me of my Dad's situation - even down to incidents like the old man forgetfully putting on a second pair of trousers on top of the first!

So I'm glad it's over - but it won't stop me reading/listening to the third book in Peter May's trilogy where I'm assuming this character won't re-appear .

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