Fun Day

One of those days that could have been rubbish but ended up excellent!

We had arranged to meet Alison, James, Arnold and Malcolm to go swimming at 10.30. When we got there we learnt that the fun session doesn't start until 1 so we went bowling instead.

The bowling didn't open until 11 but they kindly let us in and blow money in the arcade games until they opened. After bowling we then went for a Mcdonalds before returning to the swimming pool.

A slight incident on arrival - every time we got out of the car, it started raining and arrival at the leisure centre was no exception! As the kids ran to the entrance, James and Red slipped and collided banging heads and breaking the sliding glass door! Oops!

After our swimming, we entertained all the children until Alison came to collect her 3 and 2 of ours for a sleepover! Bella and Red had a lovely evening playing together and we watched the 2nd Harry Potter film once Red was asleep.

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