
Today was an early rise to catch the first showing of the Moshi Monsters film at the Trafford Centre before it got crazy with post Christmas shoppers.
The plan was, since Marley & Evie are pretty sensible, Alex & I would furnish them with their tickets and refreshments and they could watch the film whilst he & I lingered around outside for an hour or 2 until they came out.
That we did, they were very excitable upon their exit so we then we decided on a slightly under-par Pizza Hut lunch.
As we strolled around after our rubbishy food, I caught Ferguson and Gracie in a getting along chatty kind of mood. It did look quite sweet.

Afterwards Ferguson & I took a detour home via the Fun Depot so that the Bentley/Ferguson bro-mance could have its monthly fix.
I love their friendship...despite not now attending the same school, they have maintained that "best friend" mentality. It's like they have never been apart.
Upon leaving, they each declared their love & then ran back to each other for a big smooch!

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