Both sides of the fence...

... or, to be more accurate, both sides of the dunes at Troon .

The orange berries on the sea buckthorn bushes were being enjoyed by bullfinches on the inland-facing dunes this morning. I have been visiting Troon for 30 years and have never noticed these colourful bushes before! Apparently they have medicinal properties.

The photo on the right shows some of the erosion that the storms caused to the sand dunes on the beach, washing away broad swathes of land.

There were plenty folk out on the beach, most of them with a dog or two, but some, like us, just enjoying the fresh air and exercise. Gill and I were amused by a black lab who seemed determined to take an enormous branch home with him, bravely struggling to carry it in his jaws, barking at his master for help, to no avail. The master seemed equally determined that the branch wasn't going home with them!

With a close eye on the weather forecast I decided reluctantly to head for home before the next band of wind and rain hit us.

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