
By PorridgeWog

Iron butt

DDW's January Challenge Day 5 : Seat

This morning dawned beautifully clear and calm - the bay behind the house was like a mirror and birdsong filled the air. The normal daily routine of walking the dogs after breakfast was slightly less muddy than normal and the dogs really enjoyed it. In the depths of the woods, there is a stone bench. It has been broken at some point, the flagstone that formed its back now lies on the ground covered in moss and lichen. I had thought about blipping it, but the light wasn't really great, so I thought I would go back later and get a shot.
The afternoon walk took me through the woods and past the scrap yard where one of my other blip options lay - a dumper truck with no driver's seat is slowly rotting away there. I was really pleased to notice that there is a passenger seat on it, though it looks to be some time since anyone sat on it.
The stone bench can wait for another day, maybe til HV comes home...

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