Look blippers

Can you see my two teeth ?
I only fussed one day for Mom .
I didn't get sick .
I didn't get a cold .
I didn't get a fever .

How come my children did ?

I had planned having coffee at Tim's this morning and then shop for part of the day . As you can see , these plans have changed . Cass came over early this morning ( 4 am ) and was heading out to emergency with a very bad bladder infection . She couldn't wait till morning so I offered to look after Boston for the day while she recuperates . I really don't mind. He's such a charm :)

Yeah it's Friday !
I'm really looking forward to the turkey dinner, with pumpkin and pecan pie on Sunday ..
I'm happy my sister invited us over .. all I have to do is the salad and the dishes.

Have a great day folks :)

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