Last lazy morning

It really is the end of the best Christmas ever!

It's been brilliant. We have done not a lot but for our family that makes a nice change. DH had lots of time off and that made the best change.,

I am now on the hunt for's a mystery where ds trousers have gone too and I have to write a list of the 101 things I need to do.

We just had a strange man knock on the door asking for Darren!?' He was well shifty. If we are dead in our beds tomorrow he was a little auburn haired chap with small eyes. ;)

It's my dad birthday. As usual he is in Gambia so wishing him an amazing day and missing him x

He really is the most happy man. He loves the surreal and sci-if and music. He has been a huge influence on many of my tastes and I blame him and my mom for my joy in watching on tv the other night a film called the plank. It was made 11 years before I was born and I named most of the main actors in it. It also made me laugh like a drain.

Anyway making the most of the last lazy day and tomorrow is going to hurt! Really badly!!!

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