Big Billy Birthday

Not sure quite how it's crept up so fast but it was my 50th birthday today....

All the people I love very much, my sisters, parents and families went to see the "Billy Elliot" in London and then for a meal afterwards at Browns. The theatre production was amazing, and brought back all the Maggie Thatcher and miners strike upset and anger (when I was a student in the 80's) with a jolt.

Emotional stuff.... and the performances of the dancers...well - I had to keep reminding myself they were only children, same age as Sam. Absolutely breathtaking!

Browns was great too. Our families are growing up fast and the kids now stay up late and contribute to conversation, with only the occasional strop. It's all good.

Thanks everyone for your good wishes x

Tired and happy, must go to bed!

More for family.

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