And again

It rained again today - big style! I'd like to make it very clear that my home is at no risk of proper flooding. If the drains at the back come up they have to be very high to clear the back step and at the front there are four of five steps down to the road level. Here we're atop one side of a valley and the stream is some distance below us. However I don't doubt that there are a good few folk suffering from this.

This shot is the road outside. On the right the gravel marks the area for large vehicles to swing into the farm entrance - the rain has washed lots of it away and left large, water-filled craters. The reflection is from the telegraph pole and to the left of that is the road itself. I went shopping and streams of water like this are running down main roads too and there is standing water in a number of places.

I sense a gladd of wine will help so that's what I'll go with. Stay dry hombres!

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