The rest of forever...

By DrMac

Old Haunts & Good Food

We woke at 7am and Paul reminded me that if there was ever a chance to have a hot shower, that was the time. I was in the shower a minute later, almost scalding my foot on the hot water. Bliss after yesterday’s cold shower! We headed out at 8am to have breakfast at Pumpernickel, a very small café just around the corner. The boys tucked into full breakfasts and I munched some yoghurt and boiled eggs. All good stuff!

After breakfast we walked to the outskirts of Thamel and caught a taxi to The British School Kathmandu – Paul’s old school. He showed Q around and bumped into some old colleagues, which was really lovely… lots of hugs! We then walked out to Paul’s old apartment, met the lovely Chinese family at his local shop and wandered through the streets, astounded by the changes that have occurred in the six months since he left. Roads have been widened, tarmacked and pavements added. It is almost civilized!

We then took the very long walk back to Thamel, via Durbar Square, with lots of lovely sights along the way. We grabbed some coffee en route and kept wandering the streets and enjoying the views. Then, once back in Thamel, grabbed some very late lunch and Q chilled out in the Guest House gardens whilst Paul and I went wandering. I bought an awesome Marmot jacket...I cannot wait to wear it!!

Q met us at Himalayan Java around 5.30pm for a coffee / hot chocolate / cake and then we popped back to the Guest House to drop stuff off before heading to the Yak Restaurant for dinner. It’s a great place…local food, very cheap, cosy and homely. We had Tibetan Beer (fermented millet in hot water in a wooden barrel – yum!) with buff MoMo, chilly chicken, papads and all sorts of great food. I think we spent about fifteen quid on a real feast…even polished off with some ice cream!

A relatively early night, about 9pm and we were tucked up and snoozing. What a great day.

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