The last thing I expected to see today was sunshine. There was no indication of it in any forecast I'd looked at but at about 3.15 it suddenly appeared. I ignored it at first thinking it was a figment of my imagination or if not I assumed it would disappear just as quickly. After a while I decided I'd go out and see what it would offer me. I flitted about various places in hope but nothing seemed to work out. Subjects with flat skies. Lovely skies with not subject in front. After a while, seeking a tree I'd blipped before I noticed this scene. It's not a very big wind turbine. It's the one that nosedived in the previous storm we had. You probably saw it on your national news. I had the wide angle on and decided it looked good in its minimal way. I took 5 bracketed shots but I didn't like the HDR it produced and blended a light one and a dark one to give this.
We've had the dude with us to play today and prompted by a comment from Schubert yesterday, I got down some little Stanley (Meccano) kits that I picked up in a Homebase sale a while back. At four he's quite good at managing the little spanner and screwdriver and concentrates quite well for a while.
I hope you got some surprise sunshine today too!
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