a town called E.

By Eej

Day 3 - Resolution 3

Just because something looks cute and fuzzy, or tall and no-longer-really-chunky, doesn't mean it can't also be a hardy survivor and a courageous warrior. You are more than just the parts that people see; don't let them define you - but at the same time; don't let how you think people see you define you either. The fact that you are not a mother in a mother-centric world doesn't make you less of a woman. The fact that your job isn't rocket-science doesn't make your existence on earth less valuable. NOTHING does. You deserve as much space as any other human being. YOU DON'T ALWAYS HAVE TO BE USEFUL! And yes, I'm yelling that because you know very well that this has always been a weak spot and you need to stop it.

Also, the fact that some people look down on new year's resolutions does not make these 3 days at any point less valid for you; you will look back on them in a few months and see that by writing them down they have crept into your subconscious and you are working on it. Look what happened last year!

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