Carry On
At fifteen years of age, Connie-Dog may no longer be able to see or hear as well as in those halcyon days of running rapture that we both sadly miss, but her communication skills are still just as effective as ever they were. By much wagging of the tail she lets me know when she wants to go for a walk to sniff familiar sights - and once out and about she also lets me know when she is tired and feels she has walked enough, (by standing statue-still) at which point I pick her up and carry her. In chilly weather I wrap her up in one of her blankets first. Today we got to the plateau (here and here and here) before she let me know she'd had enough. I don't always go straight home at her signal because sometimes, as today, she wriggles after a while which means she wants a little "down and sniff" time :)
I was going to wait until tonight to Blip because I have five friends coming this evening for potluck munchies and Board games, but have decided that this "selfie" of Connie and my coat is a more pertinent image for my day much of which revolved around her. So off to the kitchen now to slice and dice a variety of cheeses and other small foodstuffs while Connie sleeps. Meanwhile, the discomfort of this would-be cold continues through its third day, but so it goes and an evening of food and friends will probably win the day and the mood. I'll let you know tomorrow!
Happy Saturday night entertainments to everyone in Blipland !
After Midnight Update: lovely evening, including much yums and introduction of Christmas Pudding to America friends -thank you Karen for Brandy and sherry sauces - so subsequently too stuffed with food and conversation that we never made it to the Board games, but it was a lovely evening and I am feeling much better :))
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