Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

We're home. Luggage not.

We had seats from Dubai that I hadn't booked - I never book window seats. One couple were complaining that they had aisle seats, one behind the other. The wife was most upset, with the husband telling her, 'I'm just here, right behind you'...

She asked all the people around if they'd mind moving, including us. Nobody obliged, so she sat down beside me, still quite agitated. I suggested she ask a stewardess, as sometimes they can move people, but it was full.

I was talking to her during the flight and found out that they'd just been on a cruise in the Persian Gulf. They were visiting their son's grave in Oman. He had died earlier in 2013, aged 25 - a heart attack. But this was the first time they'd been to see the grave and meet his friends. And now she felt she was happy to leave him there. I was in tears. I felt just SOOO bad, not letting them sit together on their sad flight home!

We were last at the luggage carousel in Glasgow, until it became obvious that our bags were not going to appear. I think they are still going round the carousel in Nairobi. Filled out forms, and we have a number to ring for any progress. Fingers crossed. My wooly hat is in there!!

Back home on a dry cool day - no wind- and a weak sun. Uncle A popped in with a few essentials - milk, pancakes, chocolate eclairs, potato scones... Thanks Uncle A!

I popped out for a quick blip of the castle. What a change from the bright colours of the past two weeks! I used the 'art' filter, for some reason, hence what appears to be flocks of starlings in the sky. But when I took another shot, the light had gone, so this will have to do.

Bonus! I dragged home two small discarded Christmas trees that I'm going to cut for kindling. Nobody batted an eyelid at the sight!

Fire on, showers partaken of, coffee to hand. Going to watch the last episode of Homeland (DON'T TELL ME!).

It was a super holiday.

But it's nice to be back home.

Though slipperless and hatless.

AND... I've just realised - all my chargers and techie bits!! Aarrgh.

PS Thanks for the views and comments on my adventure in Africa. I will catch up with everyone this week.

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