Sleepy Cherryblossom

By CherryBee

Tree warmer

I spotted this in town today and found out that it has been done by Pitlochry's 'Enchanted Forest' folks.

This tree is due to be cut down next year because its suffering from Dutch Elm Disease :(
So the very nice Enchanted Forest people felt it needed a bit of cheering up and got lots of volunteers (mostly from Scotland's WRI I think) to knit it a lovely cosy jumper! its going to be wearing it for the next few weeks and apparently the wool has been treated with ultraviolet dye so it will glow in the dark too! I'll have to go down and have a peek one night.

I realize that this is mostly some pretty amazing advertising for the E.F. but its a really sweet wee story too, I like it :O)

I could do with some cheering up myself today. Bit down in the dumps because I'm having particularly bad pain at the moment. My medication has changed recently, and its something that had to be done but it means I'll have to learn how to cope with even more pain than I currently do on a daily basis. Not huge fun. However, I've been out and bought some cheap hot water bottles to place in strategic points across my body so hopefully it'll ease off for a bit.

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