The rest of forever...

By DrMac

The Runny Tummy & Less Headaches

Well, a few trips to the loo in the night were required…it was random to find a gas stove blowing in the toilet as the water would otherwise freeze and you wouldn’t be able to wash the stuff down the long drop!

Anyway, my tummy got progressively worse once I was awake. Q and Paul ate breakfast and headed off up KP but I stayed in my sleeping bag. Fatal mistake…events took over then my tummy ran away from me. I wont go into details but I moved PDQ and avoided getting my sleeping bag messed up. Anyway, Everest is the worst place to have the runs. Especially when faced with six hours of walking.

Q and P made it about half way up KP before turning back. Q’s head couldn’t take the height gain. We packed up and set off on the walk down the valley to Loboche, stopping for me to have a toilet visit, then again at Dughla (same reason) and finally we arrived at Periche. I was a bit wobbly along the way, drained of energy, but the lower down the valley we got the better Q’s head became so we had done the right thing. We returned to the home of the puppy, so had lots of cuddles and playtime before having some soup to try and setting my aching tum.

An afternoon of writing the UTC prospectus on my MacBook (it’s been a daily job!) means that I have just finished it…hoorah! Now it is about to run out of juice so I will stop this journal entry and continue when it is back in the land of the living!

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