Itsy Bitsy

I dragged the Rower off on a hike this afternoon. Well, it's cool (which is unusual for this time of year), so it seemed to me an ideal opportunity to get into the Park without being fried.

To be honest there wasn't a lot to see - wrong time of day for birds, although there were plenty of butterflies.

But I did spot this lovely little flower at the side of the track and whipped out my trusty monopod. OH NO!!!! Wrong monopod. I could have cried. I sprawled out full length on the track, trying to get my balance, all the while keeping a weather eye out for snakes. I must have taken a hundred photos of the bloody thing, when all at once this adorable teeny tiny spider came into the frame. It's as tiny as a pinhead, almost transparent, and glowed in the sun like a tiny golden ball.

The flower itself is worthy of mention, because it's quite rare. It's a Tall Lobelia (Lobelia gibbosa). I was lucky to see it.

If you are an arachnophobe it might be best not to click on this link - but I think it's fascinating and I only wish I could see one of these spiders in real life.

So, dear readers, I give you the Sound of a Love-Lorn Predator, in Cathaber's Sound Illustration Challenge.

Kinda Cute

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