Scoots, Shoots & Leaves

By TerriG

Moose herd

My moms jokingly call this an Arctic massacre. It’s a Moose pile – all my toys are called Moose, even though there are, in this pile, two red-nosed reindeer (with the noses almost chewed off and the squeakers broken); one raccoon; and one Real Moose. Given a choice, I prefer the Classic Moose. I don’t like change much. Oh, I’ll still fetch the raccoon or the reindeer, especially if there are Treats involved. But from this pile I’ll choose the Original Moose, every time.

Mom is curious why I ALWAYS pick Moose up by her head end. Well duh, it doesn’t take a brain surgeon to figure out I’d rather have her head in my mouth than her butt.

Tonight we’re going to visit our friend and my dog-mother Emma. I can’t wait! She’s a good cuddler.

I wonder when the children will return, it’s been ages and ages since they’ve been here! I miss cleaning up after them.

Bye for now – I have to rest before our big adventure tonight!

~Liza Jane

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