Family of three.

By livingbythesea

Lyme lunge

Even though the weather was awful the lyme lunge went ahead. The tide was quite far out so the only waves gone in were the very small ones. There were lifeboat men in the water and no-one was allowed past them in too rough or in too long. Joshua and Paul did it this year. Josh for his 10th birthday and Paul because Josh asked him to. Nutters the pair of them but my god did they both have huge smiles on their faces. We have made murmurs of us all doing it next year!!!

Came back to mine soaked through so settled in for a while to warm up and dry off before Paul had to take his children home. Myself , Jack and Erin have moved back home now and although nice to be home I know I am going to miss everyone. Paul I think will struggle even more for a couple of days. 6 of us down to just him.

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